Working Hours : Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm



The word Sufi is derived from the Arabic word ‘suf’ which means ‘ wool ‘ and which refers to the coarse woolen robes that were worn by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and by his close companions. The goal of a Sufi is none other than ALLAH (God) Himself. There are signs of ALLAH (God) everywhere in the universe and in man himself.

1. The origin and essence of man

Man is the mystery of ALLAH (God). For a mysterious purpose, man was outwardly created of clay and ALLAH (God) breathed life into him, and all of the angels were commanded to prostrate themselves before him. As the Qur’an, which we believe is the highest form of revelation, declares:

“And remember when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo I am creating a mortal out of potter’s clay. So when I have made him and shaped him and have breathed into him of My Spirit, do ye fall down prostrating yourself unto him.” It is this Divine Spirit which is the essence of man. The body is merely the outward physical form which contains the Divine spark.

The body is made of the material elements fire, earth, air and water, and has five external senses — sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch; and five internal faculties — discursive thinking, imagination, doubting, memory and longing. 

2. Man: the microcosm

The position of man in the universe is most important. Man is the microcosm, that is, a miniature universe. As such, he comprises in his outward or physical aspect all the elements found in the universe. In his inner aspect, he contains the potential qualities of all creation from the lowest to the highest, that is, animal, satanic and angelic. He shares the qualities of lust and selfishness with the pigs; the qualities of jealousy and anger with the dogs; his cunning and deceit with Satan; his power and his spiritual light with the angels. But, what is more important, through love and devotion to ALLAH (God) he can rise even higher than the angels, for he is the mystery of ALLAH (God) before whom the angels were commanded to fall in prostration. He was given command over the whole universe.

3. The Qur'an declares

“It is ALLAH (God) who created the heavens and the earth and sent down out of heaven water, wherewith He brought forth fruits to be your sustenance, and He subjected to you the ships to run upon the sea at His commandment, and He subjected to you the rivers, and He subjected to you the sun and moon constant upon their courses, and He subjected to you the night and the day and gave you all you asked Him.” But although the universe was created for the service of man, man was created for the service of ALLAH (God) and for that purpose alone. To the extent that he deviates from that purpose, he becomes unworthy of Divine guidance and favour. Consequently, he is left to his own devices with all his enormous powers, which, under the influence of his animal and satanic qualities, are capable of dragging him to the lowest of the low. 

3. Who is Sufi ?

Sufi dervishes were a special class of Muslim ascetics or mystic who , by virtue of their amazing spiritual power and overwhelming piety and devotion , were directly selected by GOD to guide mankind on the right path of truth and righteousness . they have rendered invaluable services not only in building up but also in polishing and preserving the moral , spritual , social , cultural , and even political behaviour and character of the people , fighting courageously the eternal battles of religion against uncontrolled and unbalanced “Materialism” . In this noble struggle , it must be noted , the Sufis have never lost even a single battle but have always come out triumphantly over “evil” like all other great religious founder and spiritual master of the world . Their contribution, therefore, to our present civilization, which is the precious legacy of mans agelong experiments and hard earned experiences, is inestimable, and their noble lesson cannot, and should not be ignored by the present generation specially when the moral and religious values are deteriorating under the violent impact of scientific materialism and its new social ideologies and political theories.


Some erroneous type of concept of many people has been developed towards the acknowledgment of Aulia (Saints) in the religion of Islam. Some of them do not know about the reality of this magnificence Aulia Akram (Honly Saints) and some of them say that, These Sufis and Saints are baseless since there is not any type of Zikr in Quran and Hadith. For both the type of communities, ALLAH ALL MIGHTY and HIS PROPHET MUHAMMED (S.A.W.) has delineate by giving orders in the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

In the Holy Quran; LA ILLAHA ILLAL LA HO WAHDAHO LASHARIQA LAHO, ALLAH revealed: Behold! Verily on the friends Of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve; those who believe and (Constantly) guard against evil. For them is Glad Tiding, in the life of the Present, And in the Hereafter: No change can there be in the Words of Allah . This is indeed. The supreme Felicity. [10:62]